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A glass of culture


Wine has been the favourite beverage of mankind for thousands of years. Our natural fondness of this drink stems from the nice taste and its nutritious properties. Out of all the alcoholic beverages none hahave had such an impact on society. The trade of wine between cultures opened up channels for religious and philosophical ideas to spread across Europe. Wine is also frequently mentioned in the Bible from Noah and his grape vines to Jesus. Wine is still employed in the Catholic Church as a substitute of Christ’s blood which is an indication of the key role the beverage has played in the past years.
Last october, at the etwinning meeting, Marina (Croatian school), Irene (Spanish school) and me (Italian school) moved from these suggestions and we decided to find a project work together to discover with our students what about wine in our land, what about wine in our culture. At a later time joined us Socrates a teacher from Greece. I talked to them about "Policultura" and the main goal of our work was to write a digital story for this competition.
It’s not easy as teachers to work with other classes, more difficult it is working with other countries (connection, coordination, language, misunderstanding and so on) but at the end we can say that cooperation can be very satisfactory when we have a common aim, task, interests and when we can communicate and work as a team. Our pupils are very active and happy partners as well. For school, this task brought new ideas and more teachers understood the value of EU projects. For me personally, it was a great experience comunicating with different partners at once. Though we are from different cultures, but our aim was the same and we were happy about the results. We all got lots of experience in EU projects and when you start, you will never stop.