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why talking about racism and migration?

General introduction to the project "Migration"
Why chosing the theme of Racism and immigration?

In 2010 our society is witnessing very frequent events of racism probably because many immigrants are arriving in Italy from many countries such as: Northern, central and Southern Africa, eastern Europe and central Asia.
But why are a lot of Italian people considering immigrants inferior beings? Have they something different from the European people or the Italian ones ? Yes, in some way the colour of their skin, their customs, their religion may be different, but these are absolute vain and empty reasons in fact they are people as we are, they must be respected first of all as people having the same rights to live and work under the same social respect as any other people if we are sensitive human beings. Consider that these people are almost always obliged to leave their countries because of a reason : wars, famines, poverty, lack of work, political problems, religious problems are some of the reasons which force people to migrate looking for a better life. Moreover it could be very good to live in a world without borders or frontiers !!! Of course every country should be open minded and farsighted, they should control the migration flows and pass social laws in order to facilitate the life of these unlucky people. We all should understand that diversity is an added value and that it can make us better citizens of a united world! Racism is a big threat to humanity that must to be eliminated because in the world don’t exist Indian races, African races etc… but only the human race!

For this reason, since the future is held by young people, we think it important to educate ourselves to dismiss all the walls that we have built in the last 20 years. Thanks to this project we will :
• Interview some migrants or people who work for and with the immigrants in Palermo like Reda Berradi, Tindara Ignazzitto, the students of Santa Chiara and one of their teachers, Antonio Guida.
• Watch some videos and films related to this topic
• Read some poems and text dealing with this topic
• Inform other students and participate to the first international strike of the immigrants on the 1st March 2010 organized to highlight the importance of the social, cultural and economic contribution of immigration to our country.
• Meet some immigrants who will be invited to our school on the 1st of March (the meeting is the result of a collaboration of many schools organized by the 1st March Committee in Palermo)
• Present and enhance the already existing Anti-racist committee “Ebano” in our school
• Write an article for the school magazine
• Participating to a national competition at the Politecnico of Milan with a multimedial storytelling
• Presenting our results during the next meeting of the Comenius project “Migration” in Stratford –upon-Avon in May 2010.
we hope you will enjoy it and we will succeed in our goal!